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Pittsburgh Singles in the City of Bridges – A Good Place to Connect

The Steel City is more than just black-and-gold jerseys and fries on everything. When it comes to finding love, you could do a lot worse than dating here.

In fact, Pittsburgh is frequently voted one of America’s most livable cities, and not just for the 67% of people who are single in Pittsburgh. Among the reasons why singles love the city so much are great food at surprisingly low prices, a surfeit of interesting events, and a deep, rich history that lends the city charm and character.

Why traditional dating in Pittsburgh can be, well, the Pits

Not a sports fan? In a city that might as well bleed black and gold, anyone who doesn’t follow the Steelers, the Pens, or the Pirates is going to be at least a little lost in the Pittsburgh dating scene. But asking your date about their favorite team is a great way to keep the conversation moving.

Plus, singles in Pittsburgh tend to have really busy lives that can sometimes leave no room for maintaining a romantic connection, or even finding one. But that doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause; you just need to be willing to take your time.

Three different ways of meeting singles in Pittsburgh

  • Take a class. Enroll in a class at one of the 68(!) colleges and universities in Pittsburgh – you’ll learn something new and increase your chances of meeting someone new.
  • If you’re the sporty type, sign up with the Pittsburgh Sports League and find like-minded singles to play with.
  • Pittsburgh is home to an incredible range of museums and art galleries – the Warhol museums, all the Carnegie museums, and more. Sign up for a tour, broaden your mind and meet new people who love art too.

Online dating in Pittsburgh: Try new ways to form deep connections

While traditional dating in Pittsburgh does have its charms, more and more Steel City natives are choosing the online route instead. One major reason? The aforementioned busy lives. Switching their relationship search online lets hard-working Pittsburgh singles look for love around their full schedules.

Finding lasting love with eharmony

eharmony is the perfect dating app if you’re looking for something real, something long term, rather than convenient and right now. With over 20 years of experience when it comes to helping facilitate lasting relationships, eharmony knows that the most important thing to look for is compatibility. And not just surface-level compatibility, either. The kind that matters – the kind that eharmony’s systems are designed to identify – goes far deeper than the surface, and it’s that kind of compatibility that can make or break a relationship.

A unique Compatibility Matching System, based on a long, detailed personality profile that you create when you sign up, makes sure that you’re presented with singles that are compatible with you on the things that matter.

eharmony’s success stories proof that it works

Dave had let his eharmony subscription lapse when a friend gave him a three-month extension as a gift… and a good thing, too, because that’s when he met Vivian and the two of them instantly hit it off. And apparently Dave and Vivian’s happiness was catching, because not only did Dave’s brother find his wife on eharmony so did a friend who might as well have been a sibling. Maybe you’re next!

What to do with your first date in Pittsburgh?

Now that you’ve completed the all-important task of securing a date, you need somewhere to take them. So, here’s some of our suggestions:

  • Go see a show at the Arcade Comedy Theater and laugh the night away with your date.
  • Kill two birds with one stone and take a class (cooking, glass-blowing, improv) with your date. You’ll get a deeper look into their personality and get to learn something cool.
  • Take a trip back in time with a visit to Pinball PA, a vintage arcade, and have fun being 80s teenagers for a night.

Let someone ‘steel’ your heart in Pittsburgh, singles

Pittsburgh might have a reputation as a city that only cares about sports, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. The Steel City is a thriving, vibrant metropolis, with great food, lots of quirky things to see and do that aren’t a Steelers, Penguins, or Pirates game, and an arts and culture scene that far outstrips its relatively small size. This is a city you can fall in love with and in, Pittsburgh singles. Sign up for eharmony and get started today!

How to meet Singles near you with eharmony

Your search for a great relationship has never been easier with groundbreaking overhaul of the eharmony you know and trust.