How do I upload photos to my eharmony account?

To upload photos to your eharmony profile, just follow these easy steps:

  1. From your Home Page, click the dropdown arrow at the top of the screen where your picture is
  2. Select Edit Profile
  3. Either click on the plus (+) sign next to your photo, or click on the Edit Photos icon in the navigation bar
  4. Now hit Select Photo to browse the pictures on your device, or drag and drop a file
  5. Once uploaded, your photo will be reviewed by our Customer Care team to make sure it meets our standards 

Please only upload photos of yourself. Many of our members find it frustrating when their matches’ photos contain other people and it’s difficult to tell who their match is. So now, you can only upload pics of yourself. Check our photo posting guidelines for more info.

To delete a picture, just click on the trash can icon next to it in the Organize Your Photos section. You can also rearrange the order they’re presented in using the arrow buttons.